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Making workplace pensions work

Tell us you're not an employer

If you've received a letter from us and believe you don't have automatic enrolment duties, you can use this form to inform us.

Automatic enrolment duties don't apply when an organisation, business or individual aren't considered to be an employer. For example, if you no longer employ any staff, you have ceased trading, or you’re the director of an organisation or business with no other employees.

If you're uncertain whether you have automatic enrolment duties, you can read what if I don’t have any staff.

By submitting this form you’re telling us that you, your organisation or business have no automatic enrolment duties. If you provide false or misleading information to avoid your duties, you may be fined or prosecuted.

Your details
Your letter code is the 10 digit code found on any of the letters from us about automatic enrolment.
An example of a letter code is 1234567890.
Find your letter code.
Do you have a PAYE reference?
Your PAYE reference can be found on any of the letters you received from us about automatic enrolment. You can also find it on your letter from HMRC when you first registered as an employer, or from your payroll software.
An example of a PAYE reference is 123/AB456.

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